Morning xD (unless of course its in the afternoon then….you know ^^) its 9am here you could say I went to bed either really late or really early hehe ~ I was up still 4am watching the drama ‘When a Man Loves’ it just got so complicated 🙂
Anyway, I want to wish every a Very Merry Christmas 😀
Hope all of you have a super Christmas and enjoy with your family (: I am going to do that and probably try and make everyone play Monopoly with me haha (I loooooove board games…)
Later take some more notes since I am still studying with koreanclass101 advanced audio blog ^^ currently only on episode one about price increases in Korea, but love it 🙂
Here are some pictures of the notes I took <3

즐거운 크리스마스 보내세요 ~
Until next time ~
Merry Christmas ~I also study Korean on Christmas day.ㅋㅋㅋ
Hope u had a wonderful Christmas studying Korean haha ~ ^^
Merry Christmas and Happy studying ^^
Thank you and same to you xD