띠동갑 ~  born in the same zodiacal year (12 years apart)

I never knew much about things like Zodiac signs until I started learning Korean and just a while ago I learnt this word which is used for saying that you are born in the same zodiacal year as somebody ^^ very fascinating to me because I didn’t know such things existed. When I first saw it I immediately started calculating my ages to the rest of the family and I share no Zodiacal year with anyone in my family ;; I wanted to share one so bad but nope no luck there and I missed it by just 2 years with my Mum and Dad as for my sister it was a good 5 years off from sharing the same zodiacal year. T________T

Hmm. Let me do something I think its pretty fun, which celebrities do I share a zodiacal year with. Sadly for my bias Jung Yonghwa we are way off on sharing a zodiacal sign together (fangirl with a broken heart ;; haha) since there is only a 5 year difference (wow.) but Hyun-bin is born 1982 so that means a 12 year difference (awesome!) I share a zodiacal sign with Kim Joowon hahaha :p

I wonder if any of you guys share a zodiacal sign with me (is that possible?!) I dunno actually, but still I find it really fun to look at zodiacal signs (now that I know that they exist)

Do you find the ‘띠동갑’ concept fascinating? Do we share a zodiacal year? Leave a comment >_<


      1. Some Koreans have different dates on their social security card than their “actual” birthday for this reason. The social security cards follow the solar year, but the normal way of counting age follows the lunar year 😉

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