Didn’t know the Korean ‘support’

받침 – 언어 a consonant placed under a vowel

Decided to write a post about ‘bachim’ because as beginner as it may be I never really knew its definition till today >_< so while I was studying it had this sentence in the lesson “with 받침 / without 받침” got the just of it being “ending in a vowel/ ending in a consonant” but I just thought it wouldn’t hurt anybody to search it up on Daum dictionary?! (yes. I now only use Daum dictionary ^^ its daebak)

So, I went ahead and searched it and hence the title of the post. The first meaning of bachim in the dictionary is ‘support’ or ‘fulcrum’  with the 2. meaning being an (언어) language definition of ‘a consonant placed under a vowel’ ^^ now I finally get the whole picture which I actually should have done a long time ago but I didn’t think of it till now.  🙂

That was really short hehe 😀 so should I leave it there 아니면 더 말해요?!

Language in 2014? ^^

2014 is in 3 days so might as well address some of my plans for the new year 🙂

Thank you for reading …as a treat a crazy looking Zebra from the movie #Madagascar3

It's a crazy looking Zebra from #Madagascar 3
It’s a crazy looking Zebra from #Madagascar 3


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