새해 복 많이 받으세요 🙂 its going to be 2014 for me soon xD ( 8 hours to be exact cos its 4:06 pm…so long way still haha) and I am excited because in my mind I am turning a new leaf over. Study more. Play more. Be myself as always ^^

First of all this year was the first ‘full year’ of the language study blog ~ January to December which is cool surprisingly I managed to write a post every single month. I am shocked about that usually I get bored with things but with the blog I only see my blogging intensifying in 2014 because I am going to definitely learn more and more in 2014. No limits. Time will be scarce but nonetheless it will be ‘hard-core’ to say the least haha.

Thank You! ^^ I want to thank everyone that was with me throughout the year with my blog. You guys are awesome and I am glad to know you ^^ you have helped me and given me strength when I needed it most. I appreciate it all. !!!! I hope one day I can meet you all in Korea 😀

Language in 2014? I was asking myself what I have in store for my language study in 2014 and now I finally have a decent answer that I feel I can cope with.

I will be focusing on Korean first. Its my priority language and I have a few things I hope I can do in 2014 with my Korean. Its not a goal but more of a ‘peg’ or a ‘milestone’ to achieve but obviously if I don’t its not a big deal. I still studied and learnt and just had a blast of fun. Right. Enjoying your study is most important. My fun is going to be hard fun too, since one of my new years resolutions is to read 10 novels/book in the year :p

With Korean I am slowly in the year going to start thinking ‘out of the box’ for ideas on improving and sounding more ‘native’ and also getting in touch with the more ‘colloquial’ style language instead of everything being like a textbook, although I feel confident with textbooks so they will still be a massive feature in my learning next year. HA

Lindie asked me this question on twitter : If I would focus on Chinese learning – I said I wouldn’t but then I was trolling the internet and I found some seriously jjang books online and then I found that Chinese would probably not be too intimidating with resources like this, so now my answer has changed to a no-yes !! I will be studying Chinese with Korean but it won’t be my sole focus only Hanja characters will be focused on but that is to assist with Korean (:

I have no confidence with my Chinese because I essentially know nothing. End of. So its beginner time again, which means that it will be a time to start new methods and either do things different from when I learnt Korean or exactly the same if that’s all that works for me.

Ah. So many things in 2014. But I am happy, I look forward to all the challenges that I know I can overcome and in the end work through it all, if I can’t then obviously I will just cry ;; haha. Its apparently already 2014 in Australia if you are in Australia then ‘Happy New Year’

Have a good 2014 everybody. ㅋㅋㅋ


  1. It’s also new year in Tokyo (and Korea!) heehee.
    I’m glad you’re gonna do some Chinese, its really helpful! If you want me to email you any books or PDF notes, I have a lot! Good luck :3

    1. I know – awesome! Here (as you know since S.A has the same time) is still 2013 haha. I’m happy too maybe I will love it more than Korean (is it possible?!) and yes I would love that if you don’t mind xD Thanks. 🙂

  2. The 2014 Lunar New Year is January 31th. The Lunar New Year which is also called “Tet holiday” plays an important role in my country. I have 3 weeks off to prepare and enjoy the Tet Holiday. ^^

    1. Thanks for the date. 🙂 Its that important that you get 3 weeks off? WOW. I actually now wish we did celebrate the Lunar New Year like you so I can have a break and rest haha. I hope you enjoy the Lunar New Year (Tet Holiday!)

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