Hehe. I heard this while my sister was watching an episode of  “Golden Rainbow” a few moments ago and it just made me laugh >_<

사실은! 난 똑똑한 여자 싫어…

Expression means : Truthfully! I don’t like smart women…

It hilarious ^^ why would someone not like a smart woman, and if they don’t what is their reason? It also got me thinking to a lot of the Korean-drama stereotypes when it comes to the female leads. They are usually (not always!!) dumb, pretty incapable of making rational or even remotely reasonable decisions about simple things.  They over react in stupid ways (like children)

Now I know I am talking about fictional dramaland but it must have some connection to society right? The writers themselves might (not saying they do just speculating) if they are male or female too feel like people like it when a woman is stupid and weak, and I don’t really get why seeing as South Korea does in fact have a female president ^^ they should view the women more in a strong and capable way even though its just a fictional drama character that is meant for entertainment. It has to start somewhere – why not dramaland? 🙂

However if this isn’t the way there society things of women they why do they keep portraying it in many ways? To sell merchandise? Because people like it? I really want to know. I for one would sometimes prefer a character that is portrayed in a genuinely strong way. Not fake strong – where she is all talk and smack but when she turns her back she cries like a little girl. Hence I am loving Empress Ki because Ha Jiwon is portraying a strong character totally badass which is totally me. 🙂

Why I think I love the song sung by Girl’s Day (also Dalshabet sings something along these lines) because it sees the woman as being the one ‘in charge’ if you can say that. Also more capable of making a decision so basically more ‘girl power’ now I like that hehe girl power 😀

Now I wonder, what do you guys thing about the ‘women’ stereotype? Does it seem really irritating when a woman is portrayed as a weak person, stupid, needing some always. or would you prefer if they were seen as stronger women more in control more often? 🙂 Let me know your opinions ^^


  1. On the topic of the MV, I love the song and the lyrics. But they are portrayed way too sexily. One of the girls, idk members, by the car is wearing a dress the same color as her skin and its so short, so it looks like she is naked with tattoos. The song seems as if it should empower women, but they are being made an object of “admiration”, ahem.. in this video. IDK. Urgh

    1. Agree with you there (member name is Yura ^^) they are portrayed way too sexily but to me I just put it down to hey they had to make an MV that suited everyone, all that is in the mv is more for fanboys IMO. Yeah they are being made as an object of admiration which sort of lets it down in a way only 😀

      ps : late reply. sorry.

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