Hey guys ^^ a few days ago (two days ago!) I post on Facebook how I had a little bit of trouble thinking in Korean since I have only studied Korean 3 times this new year (basically for a total of 6 days I have learnt nothing) apart from watching 2 episodes of a drama well-subbed I may add ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So, as I said when you stop using the language everything starts to go south haha but since then I have made a seriously massive effort to use my Korean anywhere and everywhere, I even attempted to look for information on the work I was doing in Naver. Point is I have some overdue stuff to finish (pretty certain it will be done today…IT MUST BE) and then I will continue where I left off with all my textbooks…maybe i will backtrack one chapter on each book and start there :p
Making a schedule for Friday, here it goes!
- 쓰기/Writing – 2 hours
- 읽기/ Reading – 2 hours
- 말하기/ Speaking – 1 hour
- 문법/ Grammar – 3 hours
- Revision of all learnt – 5 hours
- Read manhwa book ^^
I will have nothing to do essentially except study Korean so why not 😀 kind of looking forward to all those hours on Korean ^^ since I haven’t had the time or the energy all this could have been done today but I was sick yesterday and landed up sleeping the whole day instead finishing what needed to be done. ㅠㅠ
좋은 하루 보내세요 ~ ♥
All those hours. :0 Have fun studying! I’ve done the same with Japanese- didn’t use it much so I forgot a lot. I’m such an expert at forgetting. If it was a profession, I would make thousands. OTL
Yes. Loads of fun, shockingly I managed to do it (most!) I didn’t get to review or read the manhwa book ^^ now I go to bed at 10pm with a sore hand from writing too much. I could probably rival you in making billions from forgetting haha its just such an easy think to do 🙁 wish it was as easy to remember. ㅠㅠ