Before when I decided to ‘try’ and use 이야기 lessons I would just use a normal highlight after printing the transcript and then work from there but I realized that didn’t work for me and it left me feeling more -irritated than motivated to learn with it ;;
Which is when I decided to change things to match my learning style ^^ which I think I can now describe as ‘has to be fun’ hehe like everything else in my life! But, the change was no more printing till its all highlighted on my laptop (: using Adobe like this.

Everything seems looks much cleaner this way hehe wish I could do this with a whole Korean book but I kinda think this method only works for me on smaller materials (eg. news articles, tweets, comments from Naver…etc) everything beyond like a novel/book I feel far more comfortable just reading it from the book ^^ besides when I read this iyagi although the vocab is as normal as you get (mine is screwed up!) I need to understand the vocab more than in a book cos in a book honestly some words aren’t even in a dictionary ㅋㅋ
Today I am using episode #145 about ‘Celebrity Programs’ eg. Running Man, Infinity Challenge. etc.!
Why is there no Hanja?
This is something totally random that comes to mind, I wondered why ttmik didn’t add Hanja in brackets for some words maybe?! it seems like a good idea since I am learning it I would have appreciated this addiction so much.
ㅋ 안녕 ^^
It’s good to see that you’re focusing on the things that you know. I can only imagine how motivating that is for you. ^-^ Personally I have hard time concentrating while listening. I realized that when I started to listen to short clips of audio from actually dramas, instead of trying to watch them straight through in one go. O.o I swore they were all speaking about Quantum Physics or something, but now I realize that the main reason I didn’t understand was because I wasn’t paying close enough attention! Sorry for writing an essay lol.
Hello. Yeah I just decided to start focusing on the ‘know’ instead of giving myself a permanent headache with the ‘I am confused’ and you are right it really is sooooo motivating it creates a bubble for me where I feel confident about my skills ^-^ We are similar then I also have a hard time with my listening ~ T_T but somehow in drama situations I follow along better but the iyagi I need the transcript with me so I don’t get lost with it all. Haha the ‘what the hell are they saying’ syndrome. Hate that. Focus, then it all makes sense wish you luck with that. No don’t be silly it wasn’t an essay I enjoyed reading it, thanks for leaving a comment.
I also love learning Korean through 티티믹의 이야기. I don’t look at the transcript unless I have to check the spelling of a word I haven’t encountered. I don’t listen to 이야기 while sitting because it makes me not focus. Instead I do it when I’m doing chores and taking a bath.
저두요. ㅋㅋ. I need the transcript if I don’t have it I am ‘dead’ my reading is much smoother than my listening at the moment T_T it really is boring listening to it just sitting down (fell asleep once lol) but I think you are right when doing another activity its easier hehe. NO way if I listened to it in the bath I would fall fassst asleep. 😀 don’t mind me asking which is your favourite iyagi so far? 🙂