I’m two timing with my Korean haha ^^
As I have mentioned many times in the past week or (two?) I am reading a manhwa book and I have almost finished it Y(^_^)Y which is cool because at one stage I thought I wouldn’t get to the end of it but following my ‘new method’ (read here) I feel more confident when I read and surprisingly I am not confused (well….not often when I get to the end of the book I will look up the confusing bits ^^) which is really motivating me a lot too hehe ~
However, I started reading something else a few days ago (iyagi and kclass101 not counted ha!) I am now back to reading my web novels on Naver the same one I left off on last year, I had to start from page one, chapter one! Breezed through the first page so cool not looking up the words got to the second page and now I started look like (O.o what the hell is this?!) (you can read more about Naver novels here) remembered the word that tripped me up last time : 유부남 (married woman)
I actually have a goal./dream for this Naver novel I am reading – Finish it all in 2 weeks. SIMPLE. Right? 할 수 있어요. I know I can do it, so I am going to. No holding back on anything ^^
I could review it when I am done haha – like I do in school 🙂
Actually I heard this word 유부남 in a drama a while back (One Warm Word) helped me remember it very very fast to be honest ^^
Manhwa novel. I adore it haha its so much fun and I actually sometimes just forget to put it down hehe (^^) usually when I sit in the lounge with my family the tv is on and I just sit and watch regardless of what is one because to read with a tv on is frustrating to me -_- and it feels rude, but lately I ignore the tv and the people around me and just enjoy the reading blisss 😀 it is like a mega paradise one page after the other.
Hope you understand what I mean?! 🙂 I also discovered that my manhwa book has a bit of dialect in it hehe which is cool because 1. I love dialect and 2. I understood some of it (yea. I said some I admit it wasn’t a lot.) I was stuck on the word 지지배 which seems like dialect version (that’s what my Korean friend said) of 기집에 (:
Schedule (not strict) on the manhwa book I think I can be done with it in about 7 days ^^ great. Although who knows anything can happen not really certain about the time frame xD
Have a nice day everyone. ^^ hope it wasn’t a terrible Monday XD
I’m jealous of Your reading skills. I wanted to read some manhwas since I got a little bored with the textbooks but there were too many difficult words and grammar xD So right now I’m going to study harder and maybe I will be able to read at least one page 😀
Hehe don’t be! ^^ 한국어 열심히 공부해요! then I too hope you can read pages of manhwa without too much difficulty 😀 and thanks for commenting. xD