긍금해요?! ^^ on the title!
These days I am head-over-heals addicted to 별에서 온 그대 and not just to the drama, also the characters are lovable, the actors portraying the characters are to-die-for and I just love it all. The OST is amazing, really gets to my emotions (yep. I am an emotional drama watcher) Kim Su-hyeon is about as amazing as actors get ^^ Jeon Ji-hyun is the perfect actress and I think it was a good choice to have her as leading lady anyone else I think (in my opinion!) would have screwed it up and not given Songyi the depth and sensitivity needed to make her seem fragile, sweet yet strong in some ways (:
Perfect drama. Plus I have been following it weekly ( that means I am pissed at the NBS ‘noble bullshit syndrome’ that our leading man Do Minjoon is giving out to the human world!) in the latest episode that played yesterday (12!) I need to watch episode 13 as-soon-as-possible because now I just can’t take it haha. Alas, I have to wait till next week Wednesday >_<
I am also slowly getting into the action-packed drama 감격시대 (also know as Age of Feeling) watched till episode. 2 but now I am in need or some Kim Hyun-joong it is afterall the only reason I am sticking around – also I hope that it will move over the action-fight scenes and maybe show more of a story cos if it doesn’t warm to my heart now I know I won’t like it. 아직 마음이 안 들어요 -_- from the trailer though it looked like we see Kim Hyun-joong (give me 5seconds to say “Ohdamn – in the first epsiode when it was the fight scenes he looked so damn hott! I hope I see more in episode 3 & 4!….thank you..”) speaking of everything Hyunjoong I need to read more of the High Cut i have 😛
Prime Minister and I – aww. one more time. awww. this is so adorable at first it was getting slow so I stopped watching it at episode 6 then a few days ago I picked up where I left off and now I am loving it so much happened with Kwon Yul and Dajung ; plus the kids love her which is what I wanted from day one in dramaland of the ‘contract marriage’ ㅋㅋㅋ 행복해! ^^
New groups. New fandoms. Lets start, I still totally love cnblue/girls generation as my ultimate’s of course and my other girls groups/ and boy groups but now I love GOT7 and my bias is obviously the lovely, and oh!so handsome and cute JB he is adorable the day the mv was released my sister watched it and I was totally in awe! of their awesomeness and well I can tell most (most…) of the members namely JB, JR, Mark, BamBam, Jackson! the rest are a total work in progress and I probably won’t get to know all for a long while ( I am like that with new groups) and the new rookie group that debuted today 키스&크라이 (Kiss&Cry) their debut song ‘Domino Game’ is so good, and at first I really couldn’t believe it was a rookie group – luckily though its not a very big group (phew) so I am already familiar with all the members names (yeah!) bias being the leader – Bohye
My bias list is shifting hehe. Will get back to studying Korean tonight right now I just want to continue with mindless (but still learning from it) entertainment.
OMG! OMG! one more time okay! OMG. I didn’t want to have to say this about Do Minjoon but seriously what the hell is he doing, we just saw how much he likes her and wants to be with her, the dream with him and Song-yi all happy and enjoying life. Then he goes and decides to frighten the love-of-his-life by shattering the glass and moving toward her in a menacing way??? You have me confused here. Don’t push her away.

I hope that Song-yi doesn’t stay super scared of Min-joon and sees through his tricks to scare her and actually does agree ..아직도 상관없어…that would make me smile. Hope it doesn’t take too long for the NBS to end.
Hmm. Well, I shall continue to suffer in fangirl pain till next week ^^ if anyone is watching this drama please share your opinions, I like talking about drama with other people hehe xD