Past day and a half I have been going over events in my mind, asking myself questions and letting my own mind get the better of me.
Which in turn makes me miserable. Which is useless and doesn’t fix or change anything. Its still the same.
I know I can’t keep doing this for even another moment ; that will lead me into depression of some kind! I can’t do that because what purpose would that serve me! It doesn’t change anything. It only means I let a situation and my mind get the better of me.
Its like defeating my own demons, its my own mind causing me to over think despite what I keep saying out loud my mind won’t listen to me, I need to make my mind listen to my words! ^^
Mmm. Saying things is much easier than trying to implement them (: kinda need to start somewhere had a good cry out this afternoon and it helped me. Feel just a little better however when I think about it I am still a total emotional mess.
Should be good in a few days or hopefully hours ^^ sleeping does me no good sleep for 9 hours straight and still I feel tired.
Anyone ever felt like this? 🙂
Sweet Batman skating on toast, I’ve been questioning a lot about what I’ve done and what to do next on a couple of things. College, career, language study, dance, music, everything! I know it’s not good for me to do, but it’s like I wish I had all the answers right now and I don’t. I know I just have to keep calm and work at what I can instead of worrying about how I’ll get the results I want. Being in your 20s is no joke.
I’m not even in my 20s yet! >_< wish it was a handbook or a map to get to our destination problem and stress free ^^ yeah that is sort of where I was, kept thinking with what i have done how am I going to get to where i want to be, kept forgetting my own advice of thinking instead of what i can do not the CAN'T DO! part. Hey at least in the end we realize its just a matter of changing thoughts and managing our ideas 🙂 all the best to us all. Hope you just calm out and think it over 😀
I’m kind of like that too. (#^.^#) I keep wondering about my master’s degree, about whether or not I can get an internship now or a job after graduation. Can I improve enough to use Japanese in a job? Is it okay for me to move abroad? (‘Д’)I just wish we had more than one life to test the several approaches to these questions! ^^ Getting nervous doesn’t help but it’s hard… Is this the almost-quarter-life-crisis? (*ノωノ)
OMG! So many questions you have on your mind. Hope you resolve them soon! ^^ Yeah you are right it would be so much better if we had a ‘life undo button’ when we feel we have made a wrong turn just undo it and try again until its right. Sadly, we only have ‘one shot’ at life and I am slowly seeing that its best to just do it even if I have hesitations about it. Being nervous is something I can’t help these days, I try really hard but its not easy….
HAHA. Its the almost-quarter-life-crisis!!!! We need to fight it. Good luck and thanks for the comment 🙂
Me too.
I got depressed and was thinking to look for professional help. After awhile, I realised I was thinking too much and made things complicated. That’s when I thought of the word “simplicity”. I try to simplify my thoughts and made myself busy doing things instead of thinking wildly about various matters.
I understand then.
I refused to let myself be depressed, since I have been a little depressed before I know its just damaging to me and before I get there I need to pick myself up and find the good points and like you said simplify issues ^^ Our minds make everything so complicated when if we look at it from a different perspective its all really very simple and in the end we can smile about it! 🙂 I keep reading and reading. Wonder what you do to keep busy 😀 thanks and hope you finally get through whatever is worrying you I know its tough but we have to or we will never get over it 😀
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