안녕! This is actually my first audio blog ^^ all other previous recording have been me reading from a pdf file from a lesson online but these are my own words hehe. I find it really cool actually. Although I recorded this on Saturday I am only posting it now – Soundcloud wouldn’t work so I just embedded it with WordPress.
I will try again later to put it on Soundcloud (:
Transcript for what I read is HERE
Ohmyword! I made quite a few haha, but the speed although I think is a little slow was ‘alright’ my tone kept going yo-yo on me though.
Have a good day, and happy studying xD I might spend the day looking at grammar/words from two songs on repeat :
Roh Ji-hoon 너를 노래해 (A Song for You) and B.A.P 1004 (Angel/천사)
woah! you speak so fast! congrats!!
Haha thanks. I am trying to improve though ><