Remember that Saturday level? Well it actually sort of just ended today haha ><

However when I said I would be going deep into what the meaning of 은/는데 was I did get that done.  And I know you probably saying to yourself That is one of the simplest Korean grammar points out there! Why do you need to read about it. Well answer would be

1. I know how to use it so I really don’t need to read it but answer 2. tells you

2. I don’t really understand how the hell it works in so many situations :p

Simply its too versatile so it confuses me to hell and back, and I personally have the idea that there is no point just knowing something, I want more than just a knowledge of something. I want total understanding of it! ^^ or I will get really really mad at something ~

Together with the Grammar dictionary (which has a killer amount of sample sentences to make me smile! ^^) and online resources I was able to come to a reasonable understanding with 은/는데 no actually let me be honest with you – I know get why people use it so much, its works with so much and can express so many nuances in speech and writing too. So its absolutely perfect to me, and I like how I sound when I say it haha xD

I did land up tinkering around with many different things after Saturday though, I decided to see the many apps I could stick on my phone to help me with my 한국어 so I think I will start a page for apps I recommend for Android (and iOS too if I have the energy) as well as something to help with aesthetics haha I am a little OCD about making things pretty sometimes. and I also happen to hate generic looking themes they piss me off Dx.

One more thing. I ordered a manhwa book from and also a magazine (I just had to have it Jung Yong-hwa looked so damn handsome on the cover) so hopefully that will arrive soon. No textbooks, did you notice? Yeah I am laying off buying textbooks for just a couple of months and the grammar dictionary should help me plod along without a textbook.

Have a good day and study hard xD

PS: If anyone has any Android apps to recommend I would appreciate it so much ^^


    1. Oh. I knew about the desktop site but not the Android app. Thanks I think it’s going to be a part of my study list ^^ it works really really well. -yes the app does work offline when I was away from home earlier I clicked it by accident and it was working just fine (all my data connections were off and no wi-fi)

      Thank again.

  1. I hope the manwha and magazine you ordered arrive soon. I have the grammar dictionary that you do and I’ve had it for a year (perhaps longer) but I haven’t looked at it since i bought it, which is terrible–your post inspires me to pick it up again. 🙂

    As for apps, I can only think of 다음 사전 and KakaoTalk.

    1. Me too they are somewhere in Asia still though hehe xD I hope you get the time or should I say inspiration to look at it its really really good a gem really ^^ Good luck.

      Thanks for the recommendations 🙂 I had Kakaotalk before I left the store lol and I will check out Daum too I downloaded it but haven’t had a chance to look it over. Thanks.

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