In the simplest sense, writing practice is the ultimate way to really learn new vocabulary and practice verb construction. It’s easy enough to memorize new nouns and verbs, but it’s quite another animal to use them fluidly in speech. Practicing new words in writing is a perfect way to engrain them in your mind and remember how to use them again. You will also understand how to integrate them into full sentences.
Credit to
I know I suck at writing in Korean, and hence the OCD in trying to fix that error ^^ trying is trying, but sometimes maybe just reading on how you can do something can help! Since my ideas may be crap and ineffective ;; nonetheless I found the passage above when I was looking on ‘writing information’ and I found it very interesting and I will talk about it today (: and try and fish out answers from myself hehe xD
In the first sentence of the passage it says “In the simplest sense, writing practice is the ultimate way to really learn new vocabulary and practice verb construction.” – I didn’t really believe this at first but slowly as time goes by I am seeing that it is in fact a very true statement. I know vocabulary and I know grammar and I know the ‘rules’ and everything else of sentence construction but because I rarely use it in my ‘practice’ I am always confused on these issues, so basically when I try and express myself in Korean I fall short, because I don’t write enough. Listening and Writing differ immensely I have noticed, I always thought that the one would help the other eg. Listening would help me to write. but it hasn’t and isn’t. Simple. I need to write more, which is what I am working on this February (expect lots of audio blogs in the coming days/weeks)
Second line in the passage is “It’s easy enough to memorize new nouns and verbs, but it’s quite another animal to use them fluidly in speech. – I don’t memorize anything!!! Too lazy plus I don’t think it works well with my learning style (whatever that is?) but I do have a major issue with turning what I know into speech, if I don’t try and write it down (which I am weak at as it is) then I will stutter and go over words and use the same ‘drilled into my head’ grammar pints I know off the tp of my head, which is a very tiny repertoire.
Third line in the passage is “Practicing new words in writing is a perfect way to engrain them in your mind and remember how to use them again.” – I know! I know! Reading it is like someone telling me the same thing over and over again haha. I know in order for vocabulary to be used from memory you need to write with it often in your own unique way of communication via writing, hmm easier said than done, huh? ㅋㅋㅋ
Fourth and final line is : “You will also understand how to integrate them into full sentences.” – This I know. Integrating into sentences I can do but it does require a little bit of mind power haha. xD. I can take it though its fun and entertaining to see my brain work hard 😀 although full sentences and long paragraphs are way off from each other in my opinion. I can write a billion sentences, but integrating them into a paragraph is hard since it makes it seem unnatural T_T
The end. Haha. This is just part one though ^^ I will post Part 2 soon enough which is more of a ‘Solutions’ to my questions and answers xD
안녕 ♡♥♡
I felt the same way. I didn’t notice until later along the line of studying that writing just helps you bring everything together- remembering vocabulary, using grammar, thinking in the language, all of it.
I also have an issue with turning what I know into speech. XD It’s like having money, but not being able to buy anything with it… Wait, I don’t know if that’s a good description. >.>
Haha. Yes same like you I only got it till way way latter and still now I am a bit shaky on my writing but I am working really really hard to write even if its unnatural and repetitive in nature it doesn’t matter.
Mmm. its a good enough description for me I think of it as a banking error I have the cash but for some reason when I use the atm to get some cash the atm swallows my debit card lmao.
Well I wish us both luck, fighting. Thanks for commenting.
This is a really interesting sentiment. I think I should feel the same way, but I’m still lazy when it comes to writing in Korean because I still don’t like writing it that much. ^^; Reading and listening are what have helped me the most with my writing and speaking. Without reading a lot, I don’t think I’d know how to express myself in writing because I wouldn’t be in the right (i.e. a Korean) mindset because I wouldn’t know how Koreans express themselves in writing (what patterns they use, how they address one another, when they’re formal/informal, etc.). Listening definitely doesn’t help me with writing though because of spelling and writing/speaking styles being different.
Yes it really is I enjoyed thinking about it. Haha I know what you mean I was pretty lazy in writing Korean till a few months ago, I mean I always tried to write but I never made it a major thing in my learning journey ^^ yes its a stumbling block when you don’t know how to express yourself in a natural manner (eg. like a Korean really would) try watching variety shows unsubbed it really helps me out with learning to sound more colloquial in my head hehe 😛
Thanks for commenting have a good day <3