Wanted to give a little update on how I am getting along with the Korean Grammar as a Foreign Language Dictionary since I used it for about 3 hours on Saturday and a few minutes ~30minutes give or take on Sunday and I really enjoyed it although seriously I had to look up many many many words in the dictionary because they were all very linguistic terms (like Korean vitamin said) but who doesn’t like looking up words one by one? ㅋㅋㅋ

I have some seriously weird stuff that calms me down and looking up words one by one to understand a simple sentence is one of those weird things ><

Anyway…the words used in the dictionary are not beginner stuff by a long shot its actually kinda heavy haha but when you looking all the words up and learning and slowly understanding the meaning of the grammar you are reading up it gives you a nice warm and fuzzy feeling.

It made me happy actually.

Even though those are not words I can use outside of it all who cares, it allows me to understand a wider variety of things even if I am reading something online in Korean made for Koreans. How cool.

정말 대박이에요. Been saying this or something like 최고야 when I feel something is totally AWESOME!!! <3

Mmmm. That about settles everything on the update section of how I am getting along with this dictionary.

Goodnight (well for me …I need to get passport photos taken tomorrow for the British Council application and if I don’t sleep I will have a seriously puffy and fat looking face ㅠㅠ so off to bed at 9pm)




  1. I’m glad you’re progressing with the grammar dictionary. I don’t think it’s strange that you like looking up words and then coming to an understanding about what a sentence might mean. I think there’s something satisfying about not understanding something and then through a bit of hard work, understanding it. It’s almost a magical feeling. 🙂

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