Just a little medication.

안녕! ^^ today I am super tired (medication and stress combined with the heat here) but of course I am happy because I had a new experience today which means I can write in Korean about something using new words.


Because when I was sitting in the dentist chair (? is that what it’s called) I kept thinking what the Korean word for ‘dentist’ was and I came up totally blank hehe and then I tried to think of the word for ‘antibiotics’ because that is what I was prescribed I came up blank again ㅋㅋ still that doesn’t matter cos really I am just going to look up all the words and write my diary for today and continue to look up words xD

Korean study front.

I am reading the back of Yonsei 4-1 cos honestly I never got to the end of it ^^;; I am so embarrassed to say it but its been so long and I still have not gotten round to reading every last page of that book. But I usually go back and read and study with the ‘bits’ I haven’t used hehe 😀

I also want to (again) try and start convincing my Mum to at least buy me one textbook because I might be addicted to studying with good quality textbooks and without the structure of chapters I am lost like ~~~~~ floating in the wind with no place to go.

To temporarily solve being lost I am actually studying using koreanclass101.com lessons and thinking of them as chapters (eg. Intermediate Level 1 Lesson 1) I am counting as Chapter 1 : Lesson 1 and then Intermediate Level 1 Lesson 2 – I am counting it as Chapter 1 Lesson 2 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

…..So I guess I am telling you I am on Chapter 1 Lesson 3? Ha.

I have to get creative like this or the lack-luster structure makes me super tired and then it makes all the study tedious 😛

End? I think so! Hope you all have had a good day 🙂

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