Picture of cake. Hehe. There is a continental confectioners store with the best cake I have ever tasted! Honestly that one piece is tiny (compared to buying at a supermarket) and also expensive but it is so worth it. ^^

I’ve decided to delve into a fictional reality for just 5 days.

What does that mean?

Basically the antibiotics and the painkillers I have been prescribed for 7 days are making me tired as hell and when I am tired I read 3 lines of Korean (no joke here.) then I feel kind of really hot because it seems so hard and then I just decide on doing nothing, a.k.a

Either play Anipang on my phone or wonder if there is a drama worth ogling at! Since I am currently only watching one drama that I have any interest in 별에서 온 그대 and I really (sorry to say) haven’t managed to get hooked on 감격시대 (Inspiring Generation) and the one drama I said I was loving to bits One Warm Word is actually going nowhere I think I bailed on it by episode 10 ;;  it lost the plot. Just went in circles and I took a peak at episode 19 and guess what ~ NOTHING HAD CHANGED. 아휴.

Killed me. We shall not speak of it anymore.

There is something that I am looking forward to (well 2 things) 1. 씨엔블루 comeback Hooray! and if you don’t know I am a hardcore CNBLUE fan then *tsk tsk* now I am telling you. When you watch a worthless drama from beginning to end and not complain till its almost the end (this is about Marry Him if You Dare worst thing on earth) that my friends is a hardcore and very loyal fan. ME.  As always I can’t wait for the album (always buy them) never bought a regular edition though but the package design looks amazing ~ so I might get it too ^^

2. My dear Mummy (yes ♥ hehe) has considered giving me a budget of $150 to buy some textbooks (and some reading books I want) because I basically told it like it is Mummy I can’t study without textbooks. It bores me to death and back, so please can I have some money. Pretty please? ^^ I didn’t say it in such a a cheesy way lmao but still I did say something like that ㅋㅋㅋ and she said yeah, probably Tuesday/Wednesday will have to see how it goes. Won’t get too happy about it >.<

Did my calculations though and guess what I was in excess of that maybe budget by exactly $55.97  >< removed one book from my list and I was in excess of a reasonable amount (that means I could easily squeeze it out of somebody) of $15.97

Fighting <3


  1. Ohh! What books are you planning to buy? I’m ordering some (mom gave me money too. moms are the best. XD) but I probably won’t have them til early March because I asked a Korean friend to order them for me and bring them when he gets here.

    1. Hehe. Mom’s are the best aren’t they ♥♥ I plan to get Ehwa books 3-1 and 3-2 with workbooks because never tried Ewha and it looks good so giving it a go. Then I want to get Learning Korea through Fairytales (this one is a maybe stuck between this and a topik book) then for reading material I want to get a two book volume set of 천일의 약속 adore the drama it made me cry and think so the novel seems like a good idea ^^

      Long reply ㅋㅋㅋ how about you what are you planning to buy? Also so lucky that way you save on shipping for me product 70$ and shipping $40 OMG.

      1. I borrowed a copy of Ewha 3-1 and 3-2 from the cultural center’s library and had it photocopied because I could only borrow it for a week. Since I will be taking TOPIK this April, I’m planning to get Complete Guide to the TOPIK Intermediate, TOPIK 150 Essential Grammar, Learning Korean through Fairytales and Yonsei Reading 3. I was gonna get Complete Guide to the TOPIK Basic too but the 4 books are alreasy heavy. I’m worried my friend will have to pay fee for excess baggage. Lol.

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