Sometimes when you cry it isn’t because you are hurt.

It isn’t because you miss someone.

It isn’t for anything other than ….LOVE.

Loving someone so much you would do anything for them

but knowing and seeing with your own eyes that they will never love you back.

That they don’t care.

Crying is sometimes a sign of weakness or a sign of strength

But someone seeing you cry will say “She is weak!”

She isn’t weak she is looking for a way to mask everything around her.

Pain….hurt….missing someone…..loving and not being loved back.

Make someone stop crying?

Smile at them. Tell them you care.

A hug says much more than words.

They just want to know you care….as much as they do.

Just show love. Simplest emotion yet the hardest all at the same time.

One Comment

  1. The last time I cried was few days ago because I missed my Korean bf (who few months ago told me he wanted to marry me) and now have not contacted me for a month.I should move on. I agree that love is the simplest yet most powerful emotion. Love according to the bible will bring out all other positive emotions.

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