별그대? What does that mean

Reading around on naver and I came across this word 별그대 and it didn’t automatically click what it meant ~… took me about 3 minutes before I said.

Ah!….별그대 means 별에서 온 그대 (You From the Stars)

Another case of Korean netizens shortening words I remember when I watched 신사의품격 and people shortened it to 신품 (side note : loved that drama and still do want to rewatch it!)

So far I have seen that they take the first letter and join them. I know more words that are not drama related but I can’t even remember the spellings ㅠ.ㅠ will reread it all today!.


I actually love how Korean netizens/fans shorten their words and I will certainly be on the look out for more “short” words hehe and if any of you know some please leave a comment sharing yours 🙂

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