At this moment I’m lying down on a stretcher bed and it’s 5:56am

Thinking about what I read yesterday and realized and what I learnt 🙂 know I looked are the Complete Guide to TOPIK actually filled in some questions, fun, read a small (but different) insert about 김현중 in High Cut the one I received just a few day’s ago and learnt many new words while reading it and also gained a little more insight into 김현중 always a lovely thing to do hehe ♡•♡

And actually while reading it his previous photoshoot with High Cut was mentioned eg. 수영장 화보 (swimming pool pictorial) which just made me think I should have taken that High Cut with me but tbh I wouldn’t want it to get damaged so rather keep it safe ….and in perfect condition in my study underneath all the other magazines I’m slowly collecting xD

Also made me think of how hard that interview is to read in the August 2013 High Cut with 김현중 cover >;;< I should really try again because all I've done so far is read one question and one answer from 김현중 then I abandoned it all, not on purpose but because it was a little bit challenging for me ^^ A lot of things at this level seem challenging guess still need to work hader to understand all these texts I have. As for the magazine "The Star" I will be doing something that means a lot to me with it so 기대해 ~ I will post about it soon! Interested in the book review of Complete Guide to the TOPIK (Basic) click here for review.

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