I know this is a language blog and y’all are thinking why am I writing about a problem with the sky! I’m not haha I am actually writing about language its just that I happened to have chosen an article to read on naver that was about Yellow dust (황사) – also a side note I have now committed the word 황사 to my long-term memory which is daebak isn’t it!
I mentioned earlier in the month that I would talk more about what I was reading and if what I happen to be reading about is something to do with smog in the air then hey that’s what I’m going to write about ^^ now randomly these days I just open naver app on my phone and pick a news article to read, even if I can’t read the headline I will open with the notebook, pen and a dictionary app and start writing it all out (the words not the article)
아침까지 옅은 황사…낮 동안 따뜻
You guys should know my level. And if you do you will know I would only have been able to pick out a few words from that headline, and that’s the truth. I’ll tell you what I didn’t know.
옅다 (light coloured, pale) ; 황사 (yellow dust/ Asian dust) that’s all hehe I was a bit happy about that although I did look up 까지 even though I knew what it was I just looked it up for the heck of it! ^^
What level is this article?
Hm. I am putting this answer up here because I was thinking to myself what level exactly would have a not-s-hard time reading this and I say upper intermediate learners will definitely have less of an issue reading this than just lower intermediate (which is sorta me lol I’m lost somewhere) but overall I think its not bad to read for almost all levels (:
I just put those words up because I am not trying to teach anybody anything just my learning journey! I actually enjoyed reading about yellow dust haha.
What have you guys read recently?
Textbook learning.
I started using the Korean Grammar In Use (Intermediate) again haha 😀 I think I will write a massive post when I finish using this – like get to the end of the textbook it will deserve a post lol.
back to the studying grammar (: and before I forget this is the link to the news article I read (and still not done :p) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=103&oid=034&aid=0002613469
I’ve also been reading a lot of news articles (but in French,because that’s what I’m studying at the moment). Coincidentally though, there is also currently a particle pollution problem in France! I hope that I will someday also be able to read about current affairs in Korean ^^
best way I have found to get better at vocab and reading ^^ yeah I watched it on the news that they are even having alternate driving I found it a very ingenious idea to try and lower the pollution ^^ I hope you can too, but I can’t haha I just look it all up in the dictionary lmao.
Have a good day! ^_^