New drama on the list. Also I have changed my theme to my first theme on WordPress ever ^^ the one I had on in 2012 it sorta inspires me and makes me remember a lot of stuff.

The new drama. Sytarting to watch a new drama but here is the difference between all the others I’ve watched and this one, I will be watching this drama totally unsubbed!! I know for my level its a real challenge but lately that’s exactly what I think I need. Something to light a fire in my brain and make me use all I have learnt.

My listening skill is actually way better than any of my other skills, so listening for words should be easy and I think one thing I have to watch out for is listening intently on structure of grammar and not getting tripped up on it all.

Heh. Maybe once I’m done with this drama and watching it unsubbed in natural form it will leave a special meaning in my heart, and also I think I will better understand the meaning of the drama by watching it all using the language its in.

1percentWill be watching : 1% of Anything (1%의 어떤 것)

why did I choose this drama? Any special reason. Have you seen it before? 

Probably one of the questions I would ask (: and the answer I just chose this drama out of a list on my sisters laptop (she has a massive list of dramas!!!) There is no special reason apart from the fact that it looks very interesting and I am sure I will enjoy it hehe. I also know none of the actors so everything about this drama is very new to me. I have obviously not seen it lol which you would have guessed by answers provided above.

I will most likely post about it but since everytime I say I will do something I either get lazy or just forget I said it I will just leave it to a “maybe” on this drama. I would like to post about it but knowing me I won’t be to keep up if I call it a “series” on the blog haha.

Has anyone seen this drama? If you have leave a comment. Did you enjoy it? No spoilers lolol 😀


  1. I have just finished watching You who came from the stars. With English subtitles though, as my Korean is limited to a few food related ingredients only…..
    This was my first Korean drama, but am now addicted so will have a look at this one as well & others from your drama page.
    Do you have any recommendations for subbed sources to download/watch?

    1. Wow. I haven’t gotten to the end yet been too busy ^^ for subbed sources I recommend dramafever or viki those are the only I have heard of personally never used them ^^ kbs has a youtube with subbed dramas too

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