Last night I decided to study from Yonsei Reading 2 textbook ^^ and I enjoyed it so much ohymygoodness although because I was studying from it I did notice I have a very massive weakness in my Korean and its something I’ve mentioned on the blog before but seems like I haven’t addressed it yet. (read here to know more) this hasn’t changed up till now D: 

I haven’t yet actually done the exercises for the chapter I’ll get going on that soon :DD they look nice and not too structured if you know what I mean, also I had a look at the Ewha book for just a little while and I must say although I was loving the book looking at the Yonsei book I think I’ll be using that for a while before I get back to Ewha textbooks (:  so Ewha is taking a little back seat while I bubble with joy over Yonsei Reading haha

Before I forget! I uploaded my reading practice of chapter 1 of Yonsei Reading 2 to Youtube ^^

This was my first recording of the passage after I read it and listened to it. You can hear a few mistakes I made >.< but overall it was alright for a first go at it! Next time I’ll write about my dreams, just like the girl was talking about hers lets see what I can say in Korean about mine mmm.

Everyone hope you had a wonderful weekend and happy studying. 행복한 공부 되세요!!



  1. wow, that’s a first go! I have this book, and I’ve been looking at the first few passages at least a few times, and I still can’t read it half as naturally as you can! *envious* 😀 hope to hear more recordings from you!

  2. Yup, but i slowed down a lot since last year. I’m looking for some inspiration to make me study again! My blog is terrible haha i can never bring myself to sit down and write a post even though my head us swimming with post ideas.

    1. but I loved your review of the 서강 쓰기 1 makes me want it haha (: and when you slow down its always an excuse to buy some books to catch up :PP and good luck hope to see you more on blogsphere xD

  3. Love love love the Yonsei Reading Books!!! I am also using level 2 right now and am halfway through! I use it after every lesson from my Yonsei textbook and I must say everytime I study, I look forward to reading a chapter from the reading book. Definitely great for vocabulary and improving pronunciation! You did a pretty great job Kristen!:D

    1. Hehehe me too even though I’m still on chapter 1 eek I need to study soon with it but so much other stuff to get done ^_^ wow that’s cool but I only have the level 2 reading series and level 2 Ewha books I mixed and matched xD it is great for vocabulary (:

      Thanks xD

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