Morning. Well I just woke up a while ago and the minute I woke up I remembered I had a dream that involved a Korean book I have 🙂

I walked into a store. There were tables around the place, I sat down with my mum at one of these tables and there was like “baskets” full of stuff everywhere and oddly dressed people at the other tables and a strange and impossible design of stairs into the “basement-like” store and after a while I seemed to have gotten bored and walked (actually I glided) over to one of these baskets and I picked up the book 세상에 너를 소리쳐! There were millions of these books, and I started to read it all >_< dont know if it was English or Korean I forgot ><

Okay. So to me that is a slightly obvious code that my mind is trying to pass to me and I think this is what its trying to say to me :

KIRSTEN read the damn book. Go get it off that shelf shove it into your bag and take it wherever you go, read it, highlight all unknowns. Make progress with it (:

So I will be tagging with my mum to an appointment she has with a radiologist and since its “prime time” to just sit and wait I’ll be tagging it with me lol and well everywhere else ….dont forget my new lovelies too ~ Yonsei Reading which I am loving and so much that just when I get to chapter 25 I’ll order the next volume in the series.

Ewha too, I’m highly looking forward to progressing through the series of both these books…already have Ewha books 3-1 ; 3-2 and Level 4 books in my basket ready for the checkout once I’m midway on Level 2-2 (:

Actually today is procurement day haha let me explain what that is quickly :- everyone in the family brings a list of things they need bought for them for the period of the next three months and I’m certain mine is the highest because I have 6 Korean textbooks which isn’t a lot because its just the next volume in Ewha and Yonsei Reading plus a grammar book and a book for listening practice I’ve been wanting for and now the price rises when I add all my novels and etc I have 6 novels and not one of them is a drama comic all words this time 🙂 and these are all novels that are super close to my heart because I’ve adored the drama and blah blah XD

Hope my list gets approved 😀

Being rushed out of house to abrubtly ends post.



  1. I’m glad that you’re enjoying your books. I wasn’t fond of Yonsei’s main textbook r), but they definitely did a great job with the reading books.

    1. I’m typing on my tablet and derped ugh. OTL

      I meant to say I wasn’t fond of Yonsei’s main textbook (browsed through it; never owned it), but they definitely did a great job with the reading books. The 읽기 series are just great as a whole (and I really like that I can practice my pronunciation skills a bit too).

      Procurement day sounds nice haha. Its like putting in requests for gifts. XD

      1. Haha that’s alright ^_^

        Yeah you are right I am going to try the Yonsei textbooks again because maybe I just got a level that wasn’t right for me but their 읽기 series is amazing on its own (: I didn’t really think I would like it it was a ‘chance’ I was taking and I’m glad I made the jump cos I hit the jackpot with it hehe >< the CD is amazing for like u said pronunciation practice ^^ Haha it is nice and mine was approved (had to make a few changes) it sorta is doing that or making a whish-to-reality list :DD

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