Its been a sad few days -_- with the tragic 세월호 tragedy I’m someone with a lot of empathy for almost anyone and anything ~ I cry when my cat isn’t feeling so good.
So this has hit me pretty hard and although I have been occupying myself with studying late at night and what-not when I open my Twitter App and see the death toll increasing my heart skips a beat and I almost cry ;;; on the first night when I heard of the news the death toll was a 4 I was heartbroken for the families and I had them in my prayers that night and prayed that more people would be found alive and while.
But since then the death toll has continued to increase and it’s getting harder and harder to watch the number increase its so heartbreaking I can only imagine the pain that the families are going through, not only the ones that have lost their loved ones but the ones going to sleep uncertain if they are ever going to see their children, freinds, brothers, sisters or parents ever again.
From the bottom of my heart I hope more survivors are found! All of them are in my prayers.
#prayforsouthkorea everyone.