Blogging from my phone has become a bad habit haha ^^ because I’m using my phone and my fingers get sore pretty easy I tend to cut out a lot of what I want to have to say about certain things.

So again from my phone but its a pre-post post so I guess it doesn’t matter much, right?

Well for a little while today I felt like doing nothing, just wasnt up to it all – the studying and revision of both Korean language and schoolwork but then I just snapped out of it which is super xD cant be half-depressed and have no energy forever (;

What I’m Doing Right Now.

At the moment I’m studying using the Ewha 2-1 textbook because its been a little while and I felt I needed to get back into it ~ the 말해봅시다 section always fun to do heh although making dialogue is fun sometimes when I do it I dont find it that much fun because I’m afraid of making some horrible mistake lol but that’s just learners anxiety and I’ll get over it…..hopefully

Learnt a new word too ^^ 주로 (mainly) as in ~ 주말에 주로 뭘 해요! not really a hard word its so tiny I think its already in my long-term memory bank so nothing much to be excited over blah.

Well, now hitting the textbooks again XD what are you guys doing?

Now playing – 2NE1 (DO YOU LOVE ME)


  1. Yesterday I felt exactly like you, I felt like doing pretty much nothing and just wanted to sleep all day long, lol. But then someone told me that the drama I wanted to watch was subbed already ♥ So I didn`t study through my textbooks but I still did something related to the language, I think it`s a good thing, right? lol 🙂 And I loooove the Ewha series! ♥

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