Although its Easter Monday I still have to study haha well studying is fun most times when you dont have extreme pressure on you. However I actually have extreme pressure but being a little “free-spirited” in my ways I’m not really going to think about it ALL.
*also I took some Kalms tablets so I cant think of it all haha herbal drug induced free spirit muhaha*
I’ve put my Korean books away (urm on the floor next to me) so that I dont get tempted to just take a break and flip through them which I know is a high possibility ㅋㅋㅋ all that is left is “school books” and one little piece of candy to keep me going (:
You didn’t think I’d leave myself totally without something Korean did you? Of course not that would be freaking criminal haha and its a holiday I’m going to be reading something when I “take a break” 😀 and with a smile *smile* I choose Big Bangs autobiography!
Also I’ve been thinking for a few days when is BIGBANG making a comeback we’ve seen TOP with Doom Dada, Taeyang with Ringa Linga and Seungri with 할말이 있어 and tbh I can’t even remember what 대성s solo comeback in Japan was called (?) I heard it but cant recall and G-Dragon I just remember my favorite one which was 삐딱하게 loved the mv for real guys (: (: but the uniqueness of 니가 뭔데 is still totally 대박.
Its like super obvious who my biases of 빅뱅 are isn’t it? I sort of think its obvious – I mean I like them all but some of them just are more special than the others 😛 😛 Although none beat my undying fangirlness for 정용화 ㅋㅋㅋ ♥♥
That’s enough so bottom line of a post that made to many points :
~ I have to study for an exam(s) I’m not freaking out because I took Kalms®
~ packed almost all of my Korean books away but left the Big Bang autobiography book for when I need a break
~ I’m curiously wondering when BIGBANG will make a comeback as a whole group.
~ I also love all of the BIGBANG members solo comebacks (except Daesung coz I don’t even remember what it was)
~ even though I love all BIGBANG members I still have undying fangirlness to my 1st bias 정용화 ㅋㅋ
끝.안녕.친구들. and have a very good day.
Happy Holidays ♥♥