I have spent the entire day coughing and sneezing, then breathing through my mouth because my nose is totally stuffy -_-

I’m sick with a cold -_- and its horrible but idk how I could even have caught it …so sudden omg :/ woke up this morning cold/ and sniffly then by 10am I was in a state ):


Well onto Korean matters ^^ I tried to study with my textbooks but, it didn’t work out guess I’m not in the mood for that type of conventional-style studying ㅋㅋ but I watched almost 40min of Weekly Idol an old episode with CNBLUE, its very rare for me to watch variety shows coz I dont actually like them very much but urm 정용화 때문에 I had to watch it but I took it upon myself to watch it UNSUBBED and I didn’t really understand all of it but I could sort-of comprehend the funny stuff (urrm not a lot though tbh) and a few other scenes xD

I will watch it a couple of times more to learn more and understand more because :

1. You cannot learn a language without taking it upon yourself to understand the honour ㅋㅋ

2. I can never get enough of Yonghwa so like it’s a win-win situation haha.

I learn Korean, I can oggle my ultimate bias the whole time ♥♥

Urgh -_- my mum just gave me this medical thing to drink …it will help me with my cold but my goodness its vile!

That’s ……it….bye….xoxo


  1. Oh, get well soon! ♥ 정용화 is indeed a great reason to watch it some more times, right? ㅋㅋ I’m not a CNBLUE fan, but 용화 does seem to be a nice person 🙂 I watched some episodes of We Got Married with him and I pretty much got jealous of 서휸 for having him as “husband” <3 Did you watch it? 🙂

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