I have spent the entire day coughing and sneezing, then breathing through my mouth because my nose is totally stuffy -_-
I’m sick with a cold -_- and its horrible but idk how I could even have caught it …so sudden omg :/ woke up this morning cold/ and sniffly then by 10am I was in a state ):
Well onto Korean matters ^^ I tried to study with my textbooks but, it didn’t work out guess I’m not in the mood for that type of conventional-style studying ㅋㅋ but I watched almost 40min of Weekly Idol an old episode with CNBLUE, its very rare for me to watch variety shows coz I dont actually like them very much but urm 정용화 때문에 I had to watch it but I took it upon myself to watch it UNSUBBED and I didn’t really understand all of it but I could sort-of comprehend the funny stuff (urrm not a lot though tbh) and a few other scenes xD
I will watch it a couple of times more to learn more and understand more because :
1. You cannot learn a language without taking it upon yourself to understand the honour ㅋㅋ
2. I can never get enough of Yonghwa so like it’s a win-win situation haha.
I learn Korean, I can oggle my ultimate bias the whole time ♥♥
Urgh -_- my mum just gave me this medical thing to drink …it will help me with my cold but my goodness its vile!
That’s ……it….bye….xoxo
Same here suffering from stuffy nose(and dry throat). 몸 조심해요.Btw, have you received my email respond?
Get well soon! Sending vibes of good health your way 😀
Oh, get well soon! ♥ 정용화 is indeed a great reason to watch it some more times, right? ㅋㅋ I’m not a CNBLUE fan, but 용화 does seem to be a nice person 🙂 I watched some episodes of We Got Married with him and I pretty much got jealous of 서휸 for having him as “husband” <3 Did you watch it? 🙂