Haha! This will be a mixed post so its just a filler of my feelings and current shall I say #status
So basically like the title says my Mum told it like it is and I don’t blame her I have an exam coming up in (to be fair lets say) 48hrs and I am acting as cool as a cucumber without a care in the world on whether I pass or (GOD forbid) fail.
She told me : Focus on your maths because I want what’s best for you, and once you know it, its not bad.
END OF. But of course my parents want me to pass and obviously so do I, I’m acting like I don’t care because although I want to pass to me passing an exam isn’t my only goal, yeah, blah-blah I wanna do something that needs maths with my life but its not like write exam once, fail. life over. no more chances. that isn’t the way it all works, right?
If you know what I mean, then you are almost there in understanding me.
And the issue comes in to me having done almost nothing over the past few months I mean I did a few past papers but I haven’t been worried or stressed out about doing it, because I always act and look confused out-of-my-mind but under pressure I function pretty damn well I think ~ although I am the only one that things like that pfft. x.x these negative people.
Not the only one. I am a pretty fast learner I am told something/read something/watch something, I get it I can do it so just before the exam I was going to cram for it on Youtube using my textbooks and some mock exams..that’s not a real study method? yes I know its not a proven method but so many things aren’t proven and yet they still work out, usually hehe ^^
Oh yeah! You gotta have known that the Korean and dramas/music/internet addiction of my life which you all know I loooove I mean look at my Twitter @seoulinme (oops! please follow if u aren’t although if u can’t take continues moments when I never shut up don’t follow, but hey sometimes I’m super well behaved.) I sometimes forget I need to pay attention, I just loose my mind in all the Korean and English literature I read in my textbooks ^^ it doesn’t make me lazy to do my maths it just means I daydream often. I’m cute that way x.x.x
Back to the point.
My Mum told me to focus more on my schoolwork, maths (since it seems I have what they call gaps yeah makes me sound sorta ‘diseased’ haha) no not really. You know in life sometimes you have to do things to make other people happy, or more shall I say proud of you in a way and I know my parents are already proud of me,, probably just for me being ‘me’ for being Kirsten and they never ask anything of me in return but I want to give them this, making them see that I can work harder at things that I don’t necessarily have a super out-of-this-world interest in (: don’t get me wrong I like maths I really do but I hate the process of getting to know new information that is just some serious shittiness that I sometimes don’t have the mental stamina to deal with sometimes haha (: like today I was totally exhausted and didn’t want to do anything at all but I had no choice xD
hmmm. end of rant. I must say though I ranted in a very controlled manner, I must write blog posts more after doing English makes me seem so ‘proper’ xD
Oh! Don’t forget I’m writing a post on the movie I watched on Sunday which I highly-highly recommend and I need to add it to the Recommendations list :p also thanks to Karla for recommending the movie 내 머리속의 지우개 which I am going to watch if I have time (tonight) but probably tomorrow evening.
also, to any 갑동이 stalkers like me out there episode 4 is out woohoo, okay bye chit-chat over x.x.x need to finish all schoolwork then watch 갑동이 before bed THIS MUST HAPPEN. NON-NEGOCIABLE.