new project.even though I’m busy

I’m busy. No time. Can’t think. Everything is hey-wire but who really gives a shit haha do you? didn’t think so. neither do I either so might as well try harder to make the most of everything I got ^^

that means a new project, or rather the 1st Koreannnotebook project (that means first project of this blog) ㅋㅋㅋ I’m not personally certain if I can keep up with this project but I’ll be sure to start off with a positive note (:

The project.

I’ll be working super hard to translate all the 갑동이 articles I come across and don’t be shocked if you land up seeing some videos about 갑동이 and everything else on the blog ^^ because I am loving this drama (haven’t seen Episode 4 yet eek) and I want a solid memory and also the first drama I have watched that’s a currently airing drama from the beginning (별그대 I started to watch about 2-3 weeks after original air-date) typical me huh? ^^

Hope you’ll all look forward to this new project of mine (: also lets see how well I keep up with it all ~ 🙂

Happy me xD

btw my two lovelies ♥♥ they look so damn good in black and white never noticed until I compared them 😀 must be why they are both my biases (or u could say addictions heh)

“Just Another Girl” Korean MV
“Truth” Japanese PV

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