Just finished watching “Eraser In My Mind” and I’m sorry to say this but it was the saddest thing I have ever watched -_-
My eyes.face.nose all red because I’ve been crying for the last forty minutes ~ when Sharmaine (@seoulsuitcase) said she cried buckets I knew I would be crying too, but I didn’t think I would cry this much.
I’ve only seen 손예진 in two dramas and I loved her in one (lead actress) and found her spunky in her cameo of Secret Garden even though it was 20seconds ^^ so you could say I like her acting and expected it to be amazing in the movie ~ and I was right she played her role of Kim Sujin too well if u ask me, I actually forgot about “real world” and felt only for Kim Sujin (:
Never seen anything with 정우성 this would be the first but from the cover …the angle he looked like 소지섭 so I was pleased that he would be nice to look at haha but that’s just the angle he really looks nothing like So Jisub he looks a little bit better ♥ and he can act somehow I was crying more when he was crying I’ll call him Mr. Tears from now on.
Okay? 🙂
Overall it was an amazing movie, and I would agree with everyone almost the best romantic-tear-inducing Korean movie I’ve seen so far. Thanks for the recommendation Karla ^^
Favourite scenes.
~ in the end when he goes to visit her and asks the nurse “Can she go for a trip?” and we see her out and about …right by the store they met at! He is standing there replicating how it ‘all started’ we go inside and everyone is there : her mom, her sister, Dad, doctor ..the old grumpy man..
~ the end. Them driving off together after he finally told her. “I Love You”
~ when she was walking/stalking him with her girls and then turns around and says “Oh! We were just walking by..” omg girl you were stalking the man ㅋㅋㅋ
Well. The end. I have an exam today cant type too much (: will add more tonight.
Thanks. Again. Any recommendations are welcome 😀
I am going to rewatch it again once exams are over. It’s such a sad movie but really one of the best I’ve seen:D
me too 🙂 and thanks