Hi everybody its now May aww and I haven’t really been ‘blogging’ in the sense of the word I’ve just been whining a little about how much I have to do? You guys can be honest with me and if I start to whine at all during the month of May leave a comment please and tell me to :
Shut the hell up Kirsten. We all have hard lives at some time!
Hehe. Trusting you guys/friends to do this for me (:
Well, today I have just been reorganizing some widgets on the blog adding new ones I hope its more useful because lots more posts are going to be flooding the blog if I manage to keep my promises to myself 😀 and I hate breaking my promises I’ve made to myself or to my web-log = blog so I always try pretty hard but sometimes life comes up and ruins it all you know what I mean? You do! 🙂
Back to the post title topic! If you read my blog last year then you may have caught this post Where are you from? well since I haven’t really been going many places with my textbooks and taking them out these days I don’t really get many questions which I am glad I don’t receive because some people are just a little bit offensive when they are asking things and it pisses me off a lot.
I like people but don’t piss me off it makes me a nasty person and i get very rude -_- I try but its not easy.
This is a sort of runner up post of a recent encounter ^^ last week when I went for the Maths lesson I said it in a previous post but yeah I took my Ewha Koreanbook with me because I haven’t been having the most time to play around with it/read things from it or just general study and I thought well at this maths lesson if my mum is late or if we finish ‘early’ then I can whip it out and read it (: cool idea correct? It was hehe and since this is a 1 on 1 maths lesson I was the only person besides the man teaching me so if I pick out a strange book he was gonna notice no actually let me be honest I didn’t think anyone was going to notice that book its tiny lmao that’s why I take it in my back! but nonetheless he did notice and he’s quite a curious person it seems and he just asked me “Whats that book? …looks like Japanese”
Well. No its not Japanese (my thoughts) but hey at least this is a first usually people just say it looks like Chinese ??? No idea why but I was fascinated a little that he was the first person to call it Japanese because to most its just Chinese ㅎㅎ either way its wrong so I just did my usual giggle/answer “It’s Korean…” then the usual questions we Korean learners are familiar with are as follows :-
~can you understand this?
~no way? read this?
~haha. you’re making it up.
~oh.what does this say?
~do you go to classes?
To these questions some I see as genuine and I answer them others I see as plain stupid because 1) why would I make something up? I don’t know you and you barely know me, you only seen me for 2hours. Makes no sense because like I have no reason to make like I know something doesn’t really make any sense 🙂
2) Of course I understand it to some degree, I’m in no way saying that I understand it all I get tripped up and I have the whole “omg. what the hell is this? O.o” feeling just like I’m sure you do with something that isn’t a fully acquired skill. I’m not a freaking magician I can’t acquire everything just by handling the book. Neither can you. So asking if I understand it is dumb. Its a textbook and people study from textbooks because they are learning an unknown or not fully understood subject
3) Read this. I read it for you. Then you tell me no way? Dude, you can see my notes in the little margin in pencil for when I have no notebook you can see I have highlighter marks all over my book (1 or 2 places) obviously I’ve looked it over…..obviously I can read the damn thing. Don’t no way me. Please.
4) Although I sometimes see it as cute when people ask “Oh. What does this say?” I find it retarded in a way because haha to be honest whatever I say you have no choice but to believe me, like a sentence that I was asked to read/pointed at it said what does this say I did a super rough in my head no dictionary translation >>> 내일 우리 반 모임에 갈 거지요? I think that’s what it was could have been a little different and I just said it was >>>Are you coming to the gathering tomorrow? and I am aware that that isn’t a word-for-word direct translation but I saw keywords and I put them together, and this was picked from a page I haven’t even gotten to so yeah I didn’t care and you aren’t really going to know if I make a mistake so all you really want to see is if I trip up?
Silly much?
5) This question. Like I fail to see why people don’t see self-study as an option. Never been to a class, and when you tell people that are they ask you to read something, tell them what it says, it just makes you feel sad like are you saying that I can’t get to this all on my own accord? What do I not look smart enough for you? Well too bad, I’m self taught to this point and I feel I have barely learnt anything we meet up in about 4 years then you ask that question with my super language skills and watch as I tell u what I really think in Korean (:
Rude me! 🙂
People like this really confuse me because I don’t know what they want. Are they interested in knowing how someone is interested in everything about a different culture? Are they fascinated about the language I’ve chosen to learn, based on region etc. I don’t know because they always seem to come off as somewhat odd. Or am I odd? I don’t really know haha xD
I don’t think I am odd, although I know in real life because I am super soft spoken (I’ll talk about that in another post ^^) and also I look nice ~ as in approachable but half of the time I don’t really use it to my advantage I give these short answers with a giggle 😀 like a lost puppy ….if people made themselves more clear I guess I could explain things more.
Hmmm. One more experience, I’ve missed talking about my experiences on the blog 🙂 a few days ago (Monday?) at a maths lesson I took my Algebra 2 book because it sorta needed to be worked on and I must have clean forgotten but there was my Bromide magazine tucked in there and its so tiny I didn’t see it till it feel out of the book and same thing happened. This how it went.
Teacher : Bromide? What’s this
Me : Oh! Sorry. Its just a magazine I didn’t notice it was there.
Teacher : *flips through 2 pages* you understand this all?
Me : No not really. I just use it as reading practice. I have to look up a lot of words.
Me : *takes book away to avoid conversation*
I didn’t want to go through all of it again 😀 I was tired and I mean super tired it was 10am I had been awake barely 3 hours I didn’t have the mental energy for it.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it even if was a bit long :DD what have been your experiences lately? Leave a comment I would love to know and thanks for reading. Any experiences in the comments section ~ I need these kinds of comments since people think I’m an odd girl for learning an Asian language with the simple excuse of “Because I like it” ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Update : tech problem WordPress turned off replies without telling me now comments are allowed 😀
It is really annoying when people assume without thinking. Of course they’re not trying to be mean but it’s annoying to us ㅋ
You are really lucky though, in my country, even if it’s multicultural, if you study another language that is not the basic European one, they assume you are a wannabe 🙁 People like me hide their japanese studies.
And when I read korean/japanese material, they ask me if I’m Chinese, and then they ARGUE with me that I really am at least some chinese (what? I mean seriously?)
But hey you just do your thing, and try to ignore those type of comments because people are ignorant by nature when they don’t know anything about what you know. When they ask you what some words are or stuff like that don’t even bother, it’s not like they even care. T.T Hard life of language learners hhh
By the way, sorry for the long comment, and can I ask something pretty please? Do you know any material that gives you more colloquial korean? If there’s none it’s ok~ Thank you! ^^
Yeah its really not a nice trait in people. I personally find it irritating 😀 and the wannabe comment I’ve sadly received that too >;;< but I ignore them because I don't think that they have any sense of what is normal....otherwise why would u insult someone else? Warped. I agree and I will continue to just enjoy what I enjoy (Korean hehe) forget about them ^^ hey maybe they may need my help someday lmao. More colloquial Korean? Urhm I think maybe some Korean drama transcripts or magazines with little articles would be good for colloquial Korean 🙂 its not something I've ever thought about xD but you've given me a task and a half now and I will be looking for some material 😀