Taking a little break from reading.
meet my new prized possession 😀 its an autographed CNBLUE album I am super happy with it however I am too scared to remove it from the packaging I just looked at it for a while then put it back in the packaging /minus the bubble wrap lolol ^^
Very very happy with the album ~ I already loved the songs!
A while ago (almost 2weeks?) I bought some notebooks with good quality paper and then yesterday I bought the pencil because I am tired of using pen in my notebooks (: I’ve made the switch to pencil -eventually. and this will in a few weeks be my second Korean notebook can’t wait
…..in the meantime I’m still using my ‘Yellow’ notebook.
I loved the Twilight series movies and I always wanted to have the books and read them but I always put them on the back burner and decided on something else D: but then yesterday I told my mum I needed a book for my book report and we went out to a bookstore to -hunt- for a book I would like seeing as I’m Miss. Picky and my eye just saw this book on the super lower shelf all alone and I snatched it up /thisismybooknow ~~~
Glad I have it. So excited to be reading it…already started. Have to say even based on the few pages I have read its really really much better than the movies 😀
That’s it 😀 all the things I got this week! (: now back to studying schoolwork not even Korean or any language life is so hard lol urm or I could convince my family to play Monopoly now? …
that would be nice.