The title will most probably not make a lot of sense when you read the post/ if you read the post but who cares (: its really doesn’t matter.

To me, I think as language learners we should use the materials that we like not only just the things that may be in time useful to our language learning, the way we do it and all the entities that go with it heh ^^

For me here come the problems with the ideas I know I have and the difficulties in implementing said ideas!!


my problems are :~

  • I don’t know what I like ; not because I don’t know but more in the sense that I don’t know what works best for me to acquire the language at my optimum best. I know what I like, but does what I really like fit my learning style etc?

I don’t know! Why? Because

1) This is the first time I am trying to learn a language on my own. It’s been 3 years now almost (2011?) to now – and sometimes I wonder where its heading because I always try and do so many things. Is this really working for me? -.-

I’ll never give up! << that I know and I will keep trying to find my ground with learning languages (just Korean?) because I have all I need to keep me motivated. Well almost all of it heh more like a few pieces of the puzzle as I see it.

The most important is interest and I have a keen interested ; and maybe overly keen interest that at times can border on obsession but that’s even better? Right. Then the second piece is motivation, although super important too you can lack motivation and have interest and your interest will keep you through those dark.dark times 😀

The pieces I don’t have however.

I do not have and  probably will never have patience and I kinda view this trait as a good and bad thing all at the same time ; good because it makes me not want to give up while I’m in a “good mood” but when I’m out of that mood, then, things change a bit and I just get a bit irritated with it all and chuck it to the curb in frustration/irritated manner because its pissed me off BIG TIME

I also sadly these days that is have no time to myself so I have studying, more studying, read a book which is fun (ooh my current one is Eclipse ^^ loving it) then at the end of the day (or beginning of it) since I sleep so late I’m too exhausted to do much ‘real’ studying but the good thing is I am always exposed to Korean – hello, all I need is my cellphone, earphones and mama is ready to go hehe.

I always listen to Korean music (K-pop ; or some super random yet cute song I found while trolling naver ) ^^ it all comes together.

But in the coming weeks I am going to be trying to find my ground. what makes me learn best, how I learn best, I really don’t know these things about myself yet? 🙂


We have EXO back people 😀 this is exciting check the MV 


listened to the mini-album and I super love Thunder I will say more on exo matters later today, or tomorrow (:  #fangirl mode now x.o.x.o << did you pick it up? it was a pun on an EXO album remember? XOXO (:



  1. I’m the same! XD I know what I like, but I don’t know if it’s the best learning method or resource for me to use. One day I’ll understand where I stand with myself. (Wait, did that make sense?)

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