
but its a good thing.

And if you didn’t know who/what I was talking about I’ll let you know its EXOand their comeback. Yesterday I mentioned almost everywhere that I totally, totally loved Thunder but that was last-night ^^ things have, well, changed and I like more of the songs my favorites though, aren’t all of them,

  • Run
  • 월광 (Moonlight)
  • Thunder
  • 중독 (Overdose)
  • Love, Love, Love

The order, at the moment ^^ its subject to change at any moment with how I feel, it being a new album and all too I might get sick of it and then just return to everything that is 김재중ㅋㅋ


This is going to get language related now. I want to make a small and bite-size goal for myself seeing as its my new way of learning : creating small bite-size goals, that seem small but still allow me to learn when I’m a bit busier than usual … other times I have another plan, one that allows me to be ‘me’ and explore my learning and just general what makes me tick and remember better 🙂

The goal is to Learn from EXO lyrics, I understand a few but not a lot of them 🙂 wanna get better.

It’s a good idea? ^^

THE BITE-SIZED GOAL that will now have a new name and we will call this type of studying (small goals) SLK (Slowly Learning Korean) lets make that a category 😀 no maybe not don’t want clutter and this SLK will only come in when I really feel down a bit its not a permanent thing just for the small things I want to do – and doing small things when you don’t have time makes you feel like you are still studying …


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