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Today I picked up two interesting books at a second-hand book store.


I was out with my mum and and after she had bought about (what seemed to me) like a ton of different colour/scented bath salts she randomly mentioned to me “Kay, there is a second-hand book place upstairs! Go check it out” I was like awesome, I knew long long ago that there was a second-hand bookshop up there because my dad was always there during weekends, but, I didn’t know it was still there ^^

Happy it’s still there! 🙂

Made my way up the stairs and I was just thinking this to myself :

Kay : Hmm, wonder if maybe I will find some Korean stuff? Ya think? Nah probably not ㅠㅠ

Kay : omg. like what if you find something like a super cheap k-novel hehe that would be cool huh ….

then because now I was a little lost going down the corridor I was thinking :

Kay : omg. what if someone kidnaps me and then kills me? :/

Kay : oh no. what if I fall over this railing ….I’m gonna die eek.

I need some friends if I do this in my head, right! ^^ haha.

Anyway, the books I bought like the title says was one French novel because it was cute, and I could read the title, also, because my sister forced me to watch the animation about a month and a half ago so it was Stockholm syndrome buying D: she tortured me with two of these movies and now I seem to have an attachment >.<

The second, however, is something a bit more related to Korean, or no not Korean but just language in general! An Introduction to Sociolinguistics I’ve read a few pages and I really like it (: will talk about it more in another post.

More pictures below, it really was a total bargain at just 21$ for both (Novel $6 and Linguistics book $15) << this is US$ because Zimbabwe uses the United States $ as its main currency and I’m saying this because of a very dumb comment someone made to me in Kakao, so said person can stop making moronic comments k? Good now

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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Janet Holmes


Wrote that about 3hours ago and now sitting with the Sociolinguistic book ^^ and waiting till the Oscar Pistorius highlights start :DD loving the book so far, but I got a painful, and very deep paper cut from it a while ago ouch ㅠㅠ 아퍼


    1. a tiny, tiny little but xD well honestly just enough to read the title and 3 lines of the synopsis at the back of the book ^^ and me too even if I’m not going to use them I’ll still purchase them ㅋㅋㅋ thanks I’ll use them well …

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