Not in concrete, but this is what I want to happen.

Happy Saturday everyone!

The title is basically it haha, but, you just don’t know what I want to happen! 🙂

I am enjoying the 이화 한국어 books a lot a lot! I haven’t enjoyed a textbook this much (except for Korean Grammar In Use) which I seem to have abandoned now in turn for something I like a little more which is my Korean Grammar Dictionary and Naver ㅎㅎ

So because I’m enjoying them and I have the books from Level 2 I wanna keep up with them and take it to the whole series (level 6) it focuses a lot on Speaking and although Yonsei books don’t seem to be for everyone I am definitely buying some when my mum lets me ^^ or when I beg my mum to get some some, since its a more grammar directed text, and I’m a grammar obsessed geek :DD

also psst, I really like the Yonsei books despite the lack on an answer key which would be nice for self-studiers like us 😉

Works heh 🙂

I wanna make it to #Level5 by the end of this year, and that doesn’t mean I’ll be rushing myself, but it does mean I have made one of those language learning goals hehe, the ones I never keep~~!! and if I don’t keep it then I don’t mind because its about the process, not the time, I want to do something quickly yes, but I won’t jeopardize understanding for it at all, never, ever.

I would rather it take me 10 years to get something, and fully understand it than to rush through it all and have a weak, and most likely useless understanding of the concept.

Do it right the first time, because its always going to feel like a hindrance to do it right by going backwards!!!!

^^~ *************************************** ~^^

Enough with the serious talk now. Haha. This is my new addiction ♥


always loved him, but these days he’s like my number 1! bias singer/actor because of “Just Another Girl” which I can’t stop listening to (its even my ringtone ㅋㅋ) and also because of Triangle (new MBC drama) seriously I must post on that drama, I’m loving it, then let’s hope i get to the end of it don’t want this to become another start-and-drop drama ;(


*Korean Grammar In Use Review (click here)

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