for me that is!
A couple of posts back I said I was going to be working hard, or rather observing well what made me learn best and it hasn’t been that long and I’ve already found it (:
I tried several options to see how they faired against each other and I arrived at one ^^ taking notes the old fashioned way this is after I tried
※ reading and listening, no note taking trying more to learn it in the way we all acquired our L1 languages.
※ reading online articles, looking up the words and then trying to use SRS cards to remember words and grammar learnt.
※ using dual-language articles (like the ones from Korea Herald) to learn intuitively >;< Those sadly crash-landed for me in many ways, I dont like soley reading based learning methods they suck and anyone who swears by them wow I'm a little jealous of you/ or I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Actually I looked up many many different learning styles and tried almost 12! I a day and check how it helped with me remembering the following day and I only remembered what I leearnt when I used the original method I started with way back in 2011 ~ it works for me, was fun trying out new ways but no freaking way are they gonna work for me hehe 🙂 Alterations to Make!
My method of learning works week for me, I like notetaking all round from learning about chess to just reading a novel and wanting to keep track of characters! Its fun and these days although this is off topic I write notes on how to improve conversation (and learn how to converse its a subject xD fun one too!)
So notetaking for me is kinda 대박 and writing my Korean notes is no different and what makes it better is its not a total waste of my time, I really really LEARN 😉
So the things to change ~
1. When I write notes I’ve never been into this whole use what u just learnt immediately, I usually just leave it and when I feel like writing I use what I remember
That is no more! And as a ceremonial thing lets bold that “you must write something, to begin with simple/as complex as you can to practice the info you just learnt”
2) I have a seperate notebook for vocab and when I started writing this post I wanted to stop using it but I dont think I will because I really like it ㅋㅋ so that’s out of the books (urhm!)
3) weekly lang-8 like a good language learner hehehe and actually on Saturday I wrote a made-up dialogue between a down-and-out girl and another girl who owns a shop who ran into each other and posted it on lang-8 (of course I helped the people and others who corrected my journal)
4) changed my mind …again!!!
That’s my two cents for today x.x glad I’ve resolved this …I’ll be hardcore studying soon.
I’m glad you found methods that work best for you. 😀 I’m also realizing how much it helps to use what you learn right after learning it. I have a habit of learning something, not using it, then re-reading whatever it is to find out how to use it again.
I’ve been wondering for a while if I should use separate notebooks for vocabulary. I have different ways of taking notes from lessons, copying readings, and vocab, so each is organized on its own, but when you flip through the book you’d never know what’s coming next. XD
Thank you! 🙂 Your right and its something I’m not gonna lie I never really do it hehe I am just like “oh good study session, I need a drink now” and then I forget about it all and don’t use it come a few weeks re-read everything and it gives me a headache ㅠㅠ and that re-reading I find it gives me a blotched understanding because now I’m too lazy to look at it again properly haha.
It’s a good idea to keep a separate book I think, keeps it all organized especially if u say you write differently (btw, how do you that? hehe)
Lol, it’s like each one has a different format and it changes based on the source I’m learning too. XD Grammar notes have mini paragraphs, how to form it (ex.: Vstem + 고 깊다) and example sentences. Then reading is paragraphs with highlighted words and vocab looks similar to how Shanna does hers. It’s a bit of a mess, but it’s a pretty mess.
I just noticed I wrote 깊다 instead of 싶다… WHAT EVEN IS 깊다? I made up a word. OTL
Hahaha idk I think there might be a word lol :))
I’m happy you found a method that works for you. I’m trying to get back into learning korean so it’s tough to find a learning method that works. Can you list some more of the things that you tried? I’d think it’d make a pretty interesting blog post. I’m just running out of ideas on what I should try to do to find my own “path”. A new book for vocab seems interesting, I’ve never even thought of that. My korean notebook is just stuffed with notes, grammar points and randomly thrown in vocab lists LOL. It’s an organized mess.
really that’s cool, hope u do get back to studying Korean soon 😀 there is a wikia that has a list of different methods and I used just a few from there and didn’t like them (as I said!) you think so? well I’ll be sure to write one soon then hehe 🙂 just several things and you’ll find what makes it better for u to learn its a trial and error thing tbh.
The separate notebook is something I did because I would always stick random words into my regular notebook and it would make a mess deff consider it and it helps to make things easier ^^ all vocab in one place.
I’m glad that you found a way that works, I’m still trying to find my own “path” as I’m trying to get back into learning Korean. My korean notebook is filled with grammar points and random vocab lists and I always forget to review. I was wondering if you (or anyone else rather) could point out some different self-teaching methods I could try, I want to see if the ol’ notetaking method is the best for me.
Using a seperate notebook for vocab seems so simple but I’ve never thought of doing that. I might have to give it a try a little later but I’m just trying to find out how to organize everything still.
I feel you! I tried not to memorize anything and just read and read for a few days, following other people’s methods. Turn out, I really didn’t remember anything. ^^ I got myself to blame because why the hell I believed them. Maybe they’re genius so it work for them, I’m not. I take my time to memorize words, making mnemonics, etc. and I’m loving it because I know I’m progressing.
Haha I knew you would! 😀 Actually I don’t memorize I just write it all done and combine it in my own words when I study then re-read it in my own words to understand and move one, I don’t have the mental capacity to memorize (guess I’m not smart enough hahaha? I get bored too fast.) “Maybe they’re genius so it work for them, I’m not” << best thing and I was beginning to think that haha I was like "maybe these people are super smart. Guess I'm not" I won't be believing people who tell of fast-ways to learn a language its nonsense. You make mnemonics? cool, I've never done that before ^^ will try. If I don't see progress I get sad haha ㅠㅠ | you've given me ideas too 😛
I find that this is also the best way for me to learn, and I apply note-taking methods for my other non language-related studies. However, I think this might be just because note-taking can overlap with my stationery obsession…>_>
I also have a major stationary obsession >.< I can buy 30 notebooks at once just because they are "pretty" 😀 and I am almost the same I also apply note-taking to more than just language learning everything I prefer taking notes its much much better to learn that way. I think it actually might be the most universal way to learn anything : TAKE NOTES!