I couldn’t resist ! ^^ I’ve already bought more books even though I haven’t finished with the 연세 읽기 and 이화 한국어 textbooks I already have ^^ but I’ve made an excuse for myself again I’ve always wanted these books! and that’s pretty lame but I don’t really care ㅋㅋ

I didn’t buy much this time though just a few little things :))

  • 신사의품격 (A Gentleman’s Dignity) Novel Set (2 books)

You guys remember how I loved that drama? Me too. Haha. And I want to read it now don’t know how much of a challenge its going to be but the covers look nice (the ones I peeked at on Naver Book) I’m so glad I’ll be having those on my bookshelf soon!  probably will be the first novels I get to the end of seeing as I adore the drama ^^ also the perfect opportunity to re-watch 신품 (:

And then I am loving the 이화 한국어 texts a lot a lot, so I just went ahead and bought the Book 1 set of Level 3 (which means I got 3-1 textbooks and 3-1 Workbook) even though I haven’t really used the workbooks don’t want to not have it and want it hehe …I guess.

I had to control myself many many times, and my mum did it for me by putting me on a budget hehe.

<<< and since I just admitted to barely using the 이화 workbook I’ll use it when I have the time later on today, or when I am just done revising for my Biology exam tomorrow.

will look at it today :)
will look at it today 🙂



  1. Your lucky that your mom supports your Korean book buying. I’ve been thinking about buying the second part of 넌 내게 반했어 (만화 책). 돈 모아야겠다.Did you order them from twochois?

  2. Haha! I realise i had quite a no. of korean books as well, which i have no idea when i would get to finish them. You were lucky to have a supportive mum!~

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