Today is my last exam yay ^^ a lot to be happy about and although it doesn’t mean I’ll have this sudden influx of time on my hands it does mean I can at least work on things (such as Korean, and just taking a break) without thinking about the exams all day 🙂
Plus side to everything!
I’m really looking forward to the end of the day today, have homework galore, but still the thought of a Friday night without the ‘Exam on Monday’ sentence hanging over my head is really great. I do have the ‘school work on Monday’ line though but that’s fun.
I’ve also recently started stalking my books/package online and dreading when it hits Jamaica -.-
Up until then though I’m good just watching it bounce from one sort facility to the next! 2 days down and another possible 27 to go yay ^^;;
One more thing, I’m a depressed fangirl because of all this Kris stuff, I actually cried yesterday and not because he’s leaving but more because what has SM been doing to push him this far? I want it all to be settled but something tells me its a repeat of JYJ and its going to drag out (like JYJ) for the next three years. Not something I want, but, SM are bullies and they won’t back down! Even if they did would Kris want to re-join EXO? I don’t think so because personally I believe those comments from Suho were not of his own volition. And the rumour that Baekhyun was slapped- and a rumour that Luhan started that rumour by posting on Weibo from a different device/laptop. Also the rumour that all their phones were taken except Baekhyun? And their manager told/instructed/forced them to unfollow Kris on Instagram!
I don’t know what to believe on this issue really. SM though does have a really long track record of abusing their artists so I stand with Kris.
#WeBelieveInYouKris #SMWorstCompanyInKorea
><" i left a comment earlier but it didnt show up. i' feel you! Cos my bias is SJ and it;s those dramas all over again. Sigh. But no deny, SM is really good to push their artist to the top
Yeah it just showed up blank >< and they push them too much I think, they don't respect them enough ): its so sad tbh ~ thanks for the comment.
Oh dearie. Don’t cry about these things, please? 🙂 It’s not something you can control anyway. The entertainment industry changes all the time. What we know is that nothing is certain, Kris may have left his group without informing, but it also doesn’t paint SME or Kris in a bad light, nothing is truly black or white. All you can do is just to continue supporting both parties by their music or shows. Getting upset only makes yourself miserable, but I think you’ll come to see that in time. 🙂