Study-cum-design night

Good morning!

It’s funny how when I say I’m going to study I never do, but when I say I’m going to rest I land up deep in a textbook.

That’s exactly what happened last night, I decided to study, piled books on my bed and landed up scouring Google for themes for my blog.

I must say though, since this new Twitter design change and Facebook too (if you have an Facebook page look at it, it changed) is influencing my sense of style.

I was stuck between this one, and this one.

I opted for ‘Story’ because it was in the directory and I feel 100% safer to use one verified by wordpress other than just picking from the internet and getting a killer virus on my blog >< can’t risk that happening.

Typography too is very  nice :3 been wanting font like this

Do you like it? ^^

I might not keep it for long because I am already looking at more and more pretty themes :3

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