Procrastination really is the thief of time, I realized that today more than any day. I was helping my mum out/ lounging around doing nothing tell myself the same thing every time the “You are being lazy” sentence crept up in my mind, I made an excuse and then at 6pm I decided to come and study.
I had the whole day, but instead I took it in my stride and did ABSOLUTELY nothing, then at 6pm now decided to work -_- and I achieved something. I looked at a grammar point, looked up a few words, wrote down some notes, did exercises from Korean Grammar In Use [Intermediate] – which by the way I am using again because I’m still yet to get to the end ahhhh ; its going though so hopefully I’ll finish it, soon!
Now, imagine if I’d actually just started studying at 1pm when I wanted to, or when I said I was going to, I would have gotten much more done today, wouldn’t I. Instead I looked at ~(으) ㄴ/는 줄 몰랐다/알았다 only and now when I finish the exercises for this grammar (which was simple to grasp ; understanding wise I don’t know about usage yet) I’ll move onto ~(으) ㄹ 지도 모르다 which I know nooooothing about 😛
천천히 한국어 문법 공부할 거예요. :3
Because the more I study grammar, the better I’ll get, and the easier it will be to acquire new grammar ^^