I’ve yet to read the A Gentleman’s Dignity novel and it’s a little sad – but you guys know me I don’t really dwell on these things too long. I’ve also been too lazy to update the blog because I’m a lazy person.

And not really embarrassed to say that to be very honest with you.

I’m not always lazy, just periodically lazy! (:

it affects everything from the things that need to be done to the things that I like to get done (eg. languages)

speaking of languages I’ve actually slowly started to be fascinated with my OWN language English I mean knowing grammar rules and what not has always been a thing for me. I mean you don’t see me, but I actually carry a book with me called “The Handbook of Grammar and Composition” in my bag almost every single day and I read it over-and-over-again because I actually love my own language.

But now my fascination lies in a different area….which I will mention soon enough :p

In the meantime, this waits for my attention.

it’s 정용화 hehe how my inner fangirl has been released rawr </3


  1. Have you ever studied rhetoric? It is fascinating to understand the whys that make a speech great. It improves your writing to start consciously using rhetorical devices.

    1. No I haven’t actually, don’t really know much about it besides the definition :p well I’ll remember that for future reference and consider looking at it. Thanks for leaving a comment (:

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