Grammar Foot Forward!

Remember me telling y’all I was going to be learning more and more grammar in the future.

Well, I was serious about that, so I bought a new book today online which should arrive soon. I hope!

Probably in 2-3 weeks -_- omg it seems like such a long time from now when I say it like that but time will go pretty fast while I am busy with schoolwork, and using my current textbook Korean Grammar in Use : Intermediate 🙂


I have like 300 pages till I’m done with the KGIU book lol xD such a long way but the grammar is fun and interesting and I didn’t realize it that much but there are so many grammars that are similar yet polar regions apart! How is that possible. Such a confusing characteristic in Korean grammar :p

One more thing. Remember I am using online materials and I did Level 5 during the weekend, the whole thing I totally completed it all. I will use this week to review on those grammar patterns more and just totally totally keep it solid in my mind!

완전 쩐다 ㅋㅋ


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