7월. 안녕하세요

안뇽 no energy today to think of a fancy title 💢너무 졸려 ㅋㅋ and also I’m sorry if I mix languages! 😜

Its July now, which is cool but also so scary, why is time moving so fast? True that time waits for no man otherwise if I had my way we’d still be in April (:

Anyways, what more can I do but work just that must faster. I’ve started off the month not on the best foot I admit, I wrote a list of 12 things I needed done and I only got one urgh and then I went off course and did other stuff.

Namely I’ve started learning the lyrics to a few of my favorite Kpop songs of the moment! 😺 

1. 눈.코.입
2. 1분1초
3. 나이스보디
4. 새벽한시 really love this song and it’s the first I’m learning 💞

그게 다예요 ㅋㅋ 다음에 봐요 🙂

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