I keep forgetting to think of the 받침 at the end of my verb stems/adjectives, etc to remember what to add in terms of the grammar constructions.
I don’t know why, I think its far too cold to be thinking at this time. I just have too many things going on in my head. ㅠㅠ very tiresome actually.
I need to remember about the 받침 to not always get confused 🙂
Overall, grammar is going well I totally have a lot of them down. Need to start writing with them and using more vocabulary though haha, otherwise isn’t it all useless? ^^ I think so.
Here let me try one :- 한국에 도착하자마자 한글파크에 갈게요 ㅋㅋ 🙂 /by the way I am so serious about that I really will :3 and I’ll spend about 300$ if I have it on books huhu.
Where I can’t go there right now, but we hope in the near future in the meantime though I shall work really hard.
Also my Korean friend recommended a drama (because I haven’t been watching any lolol) and I will be watching that now <3 고마워 언니