Saturday Studying in Pictures

Happy Sunday <3

Most of the studying I did yesterday can be summed up in pictures. Not all of it ^^ since I did use magazines/internet and etc ; everything basically.


Using my new bff’s which are Yonsei Reading 2 and Korean Grammar for International Learners, studied for practically half a day. It’s pretty ironic isn’t it – both the books I was using yesterday are Yonsei University Press books. Do I see a pattern here? Maybe I like Yonsei books ^^


CIMG3628– I read chapter 2 on Friday (posted it on Instagram .Tumblr. and Facebook)

This was my Chapter 3 reading, only three highlights this time! The words 디카 (digital camera), 등 (etc), and 반찬 (side dish)


This is a picture from the C2 reading (Chapter 2) wordlist, I added the words I had a problem with at the top too. Those words weren’t actually in the reading passage, but in the questions below the wordlist you see! ^^ Just three words too.

CIMG3629– Chapter 3 wordlist just had to write down one word of my own (:

CIMG3626This is the page I am currently on, I’ve read the 도와주세요 sign already, now for the question answering/writing! ^^

My motivation, is all back, and I am taking advantage of it! 🙂


</3 Kirsten.

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