I have no issues with trying to make things perfect, I just don’t care, but somehow with Korean I care too much, you know what I’m saying. It’s like I’m trying to go beyond what needs to be done in that moment, which is both very tiring and at times can be downright impossible! :/
Which is what I always have to remind myself
Nothing needs to be perfect, it’s a language, you are not learning to perform major surgery.
Trial and error is your best friend when language learning.
The reason why I sometimes have to stop and say this to myself is that Korean (한국어 ㅋㅋ) is the first language I have come this far in teaching myself.
With Spanish, it was school Spanish and my mind only remembers to class 2 ; and with French again school French, my mind only remembers the last semester! The progress I made while learning school French is my major problem, in 6 months I knew a lot, I could read letters from students abroad, and reply them in somewhat legible French. I guess at that time French was simple for me, because I never picked up that much Korean in my first 6 months.
Uh, or was I not trying hard enough? haha, I might not have been actually. Maybe I should aim to be my French-learning-self ? 🙂 She might have known a thing or two back then that I know nothing about now.
I guess what I’m just trying to say is it’s a nice journey to take learning a language, and it should never be marred by our desires to be perfect, it’s a trial and error thing. You got to make a big mistake (or a little one) to know how it’s done right.
Tweet: Don’t fear the mistakes in language learning, embrace them, they will make you a better language learner. #languagelearningproblems (you can click that line if you like and tweet it to your account /click to tweet </3)
I need to start remembering my own words now don’t I ??
Haha, well, first step is writing down how I feel and the next step is watching 고교처세왕, then implementing how I feel. 🙂 I’m a drama addict/서인국 addict, and you know what they say “A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do” and this girl needs to watch her 오빠 being a cute dork in love hehe.
Ah, and of course this girl needs to study Korean with her books, before her new ones arrive and she abandons these ones sitting so pretty on her shelf ㅎㅎ
Appologies for the grainy, badly taken picture, it was taken with my phone, with the lights off and no flash lol :/ I’m sorry. Wonder what I’ll read today though! ^^ Exciting not knowing what I’ll do lolol
Have a good Sunday </3
Thanks 🙂