Hello! 안녕하세요 ^^ seems odd to actually dedicate a whole post to my first anime drawing, but it is the first time I’ve ever even tried to draw anything like this so I want to remember it in the future 🙂

I’m just so happy that I actually drew something :)) you know, like, I drew it and it looks /sorta normal xD
Which gives me a really warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I know it really isn’t the best drawing in the world.
Actually, my Dad can draw really well, and I actually wish I had his talent, hmm, keep working hard and I’ll get there /Fighting!!!! ^_^
it’s not in proportion.
It’s a little crooked, I didn’t use any kind of measurements, just looked at the picture online and drew-away </3
I hope through practice, pain, and consistent attention to details I can improve, hey, who knows I might actually one day draw my own animations for my own Manga/Anime ♥
Luckier things have happend to people. Luck lives on.
But, seriously, I’m happy with how I did, tomorrow I’ll draw something else. Maybe a Chibi (suck at ’em) or more Anime (woohoo, they are fun, enjoy drawing ’em!)
</3 Kirst.
PS : I wrote this like 2-3 hours ago but for some unknown reason my blog was down. Really like DEAD. Anyone else notice this T_T but it’s all good now will contact my host if it continues ^^;;