Yeah, I didn’t know how “monkeying” around would be spelt lol – and honestly I’m too lazy right now to even bother checking Google.

But this is me lately, I don’t do it on purpose but I find myself monkeying around and the exact moment I should not be. It’s really messed up, and trying to fix it just falls short.

But I’m so super psyched about my new Korean stuff arriving soon that I’m not really worried about fixing it right now xd – but I’ll have to when my other stuff arrives since it’s of a more serious nature.

a.k.a DO OR DIE! kind of stuff, and I really don’t want my parents to kill me /figuratively speaking 🙁 that would be awful. They don’t like to get me stuff when they are angry/upset/ or even worse disappointed in me ㅠ_ㅠ

헐. And you all know how I love my stuff. I’m like a stuff-vacum-cleaner and I just need stuff all the time, if I see it and I like it, I really really wanna own it :p

Also the most important thing.

It hurts so bad when my parents are “disappointed in me” 

Literally, my heart aches when they are disappointed in me – and when I feel like their disappointed in me 🙁

But first when my Korean stuff get’s here I’m just going to stare at them – even thought it isn’t much Korean stuff I still will just stare at them and spazz, then, I’ll work on fulfilling my deal with my Mum (:






  1. It will serve you well to learn to live within your means. Earn the money for your book purchases, then you can study from them guilt free and your parents won’t be worried you are going to depend on them forever to support you. You are mature enough to write a blog, I am sure you have some skills you could put to use.

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