I’m no longer in my touch-and-go mood! Earlier this afternoon I stayed in the car when my mum went into the store for some groceries and I had my Korean books with me (duh, I always carry ’em around they are like my extra hands lol)

Well, anyway, the reason I’m no longer touch and go with everything is I’ve actually explained myself to MYSELF. Sounds odd, but it seems like I needed to let myself know what she was doing haha.

Back to the Korean books, I had my Ewha 2-1 and the workbook and I didn’t even look at the textbook, just the workbook and it’s actually really nice. I’m now finally in the mood to actually use it with an open mind and enjoy the book.

A couple of months ago, I just wasn’t, and that was a little frustrating to me, but now I’m glad I actually sat down (even though it was in the car) and highlighted words, looked them up in the textbook glossary and etc

It was really really fun! 🙂 

I actually think I’ll be able to get out a short n’ sweet review soon, or when I have enough time after all the studying I have to get in these days.

But hey, as long as I’m having fun studying for numerous exams and still am able to learn my languages I’m as happy as can be! ^^

Also, on a separate note, I purchased a new domain name today and I’m wondering which you guys would prefer, for me to stick with www.KoreanNotebook.com or to go with my recent purchase which is www.KirstiSuki.com

The later is far more diverse, and I really like it, but this will always be my baby. If I did use www.KirstiSuki.com I would actually redirect this whole blog so any links directing here would automatically direct there! ^^

Please let me know your opinion by leaving a comment below ⇓⇓, via Katalk, email, Twitter, Facebook, or any other medium! 🙂

Thanks guys. And now I shall get back to my Korean and later learn Hiragana (yes! I’ll post on this tomorrow morning it’ll be scheduled and I’ll explain xD)



  1. I personally like Korean Notebook, but of course I understand your blogging diversity argument. If you’ll be redirecting, it shouldn’t matter too much anyhow right??

    Have fun learning hiragana! I think you’ll be able to pick it up pretty quickly ^^

    1. I know, I love it soooo much to me its actually “me” and I actually just decided that I adore it too much to move lol xD so it’s staying here as it is, and forget about feeling bad including other things. It’s my blog and I shall write what I want hehe :p

      Thanks, I’m actually doing the quiz for the first chapter and I know 5 Hiragana (yeah, seems a lot now :p)

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